Punctuating The Digital Age

We are accelerating into the age of ‘connected everything’. There are almost three million apps in one of the world’s leading app stores, many of us check our smart-phones once every 6 minutes and most of us carry our digital […]

Formula One’s ‘Super Performers’

What are the cognitive demands of driving a Formula One car? How can we measure them? Through my work with Hintsa Performance, I’m privileged to work with a number of Formula One coaches, drivers and teams. I recently recorded a […]

Podcast: Avoiding Cognitive ‘Middle Gear’

Think about your average day. Do you feel time pressure? How complex are your tasks? How often do you switch between tasks in a given time period? These three components aggregate to describe the cognitive load of almost any activity […]

How to grow old like an athlete

The question of how to maximise ‘health span’ – the period of life during which we are generally healthy and free from serious disease – is increasingly prevalent both in and out of sport. Global average lifespan doubled during the […]

The Attention Paradox

Many human jobs are likely to be replaced in whole, or in part (1). The workplace of the future will place greater demands on our ability to focus, solve complex problems, think critically and generate creative insights (2), but does […]